Orctoberfest Relaunch Sale & Update

Orctoberfest Relaunch Sale & Update

After much button mashing and tusk gnashing Grunk has managed to completely upgrade the orc.style site.  These changes will allow us to add exciting new products like the tusks and custom toys in the future! Grunk hopes you enjoy all of the changes!

Sale & Lower Prices

In an effort to reduce costs we have streamlined our systems meaning we can pass some savings on to you! Hats, basic T-shirts and Tanks have all seen a permanent price reduction from US$24.99 to US$21.99.

Sale: 10% off all products. Minimum purchase of US$30.00 until Oct 31!

New & Refreshed Designs

We have over 50+ new designs and products for you! Almost every single item in the store has been updated or replaced with something completely new! We have also given our logo a refresh to celebrate the new era! 

An Orc in Every Colour: New Product Variants

We have had a lot of requests for more colour options and we know that not all orcs come in green! You will find many of our most popular items now come with many many more colour options. You will also find that some designs have multiple versions all within the same listing now!

Toy Update

Stock will be limited of the Grunk as we have been focused on Tusks and the site relaunch. We expect the current inventory to be gone soon.  Weekly inventory drops will happen throughout October and may include some surprises! 

Thwak the orc is coming in November! Our newest orc out of the forge will be a wild ride and geared to players of all experience levels! More details to come for this big bumpy stud!

Check out our new Adult Toy FAQ page for our improved guides and material lists!

Tusk Update

Durgur and Grunk have invested a significant amount of time, effort and money into researching, prototyping and testing our tusks!  Significant progress has been made and we have prototypes, fitting systems and materials narrowed down to a few options.  Over Orctober we will be testing these with our internal beta testing team.  We hope to open up limited slots for external testing in November!

Grunk would like to thank everyone for being so patient with this process.  He bit off a lot more than he could chew but now with his new tusks I think he can handle it! 

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